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We would love to have you join us for any of the activities listed below. For more information on how to take part in any of these events, please check out our calendar of events page for registration and participation information .
The WMSPA holds three (3) business meetings a year - our annual meeting is normally in May, our semi-annual Meeting is normally in November, and our directors meeting is in July. These meetings are open to anyone interested in joining our association and we hope that as many members as possible can attend. This is the members chance to voice concerns and comments about our great industry.
The WMSPA holds an annual maple syrup institute each January in Wisconsin. This is an event full of information for beginners to the advanced sugar maker. There are rooms full of vendors and information that does not end. Speakers from all over the maple world and fellow syrup producers come to share information and ideas. This is the Midwest's premier maple event!
The WMSPA holds the annual first tree tapping event in a different part of Wisconsin every year on the Saturday closest to the 15th of March. This is the day that the Governor of Wisconsin declares “Maple Syrup Month” (March 15th to April 15th) in Wisconsin. This event moves around the state each year and many times there are state representatives, Alice in Dairyland, and of course our very own Maple Ambassador to teach those present how to tap a tree.
It is just what it sounds like. The WMSPA has a great booth at the Wisconsin State Fair and we are always looking for help to promote our great Wisconsin resource. This is also an event that if you are a member you get the opportunity to bid on and sell your products in our booth. It is the first two weeks of August every year.
This is one of the WMSPA’s most exciting events. Every year this tour is held in a different region of the state. We generally load on a bus or two and tour around seeing sugarbushes and syrup operations in that area of the state and also stop at other places of interest along the way. This is always a great time and a good meal for lunch. Consider joining us on our next fall tour. All are welcome for this October event.
Copyright © 2019 WI Maple Syrup Producers Association - All Rights Reserved.